Atlanteans were self-luminous and self-made. The native Atlanteans developed a great civilization in their state, which has been transmitted to all their places of residence.
In almost all places of the world, where the Atlanteans have set foot in, there are magnificent remains of their civilization. The origin of these samples is regarded by mythology and ancient history as unknown. But through tradition they appear Titans in superiority (e.g. Iapetus, Atlas, Prometheus etc.), Giants in spirit and body, Cyclops for hardwork, Chief leaders with prestige and force, conquerors, heroes and even gods (Cronus, Poseidon, Hermes (son of Maia, daughter of Atlas), Proteus, Nereus, Triton, Mixchoatl - god of Maya, Tlaloc and Cihuocoatl - gods of Aztec etc.).
All these were Atlanteans that carried on their shoulders the weight of the world - the way the figure of Atlas is characteristically depicted. Furthermore, Ptolemy named after “Atlas” his geographical maps.
Plato, the philosopher of ancient times, provides us in the dialogue of “Critias”, with evidence for the civilization, the way of life, the technical achievements, and the administration of the Atlanteans. In this dialogue of 350 BC, he gives astonishing details “for the civilization of a nation that was named Atlanteans”, which have been taken by the notes of Solon and ended to the grandfather of Critias, then to Critias the grandson and finally to Plato. I divide the descriptions of Plato in three chapters for the needs of this site.
The civilization of the Atlanteans from other sources:
Apart form Plato’s description (Solon notes), we have information for the Atlanteans from other known sources or even traditions and myths of other ancient nations that lived after the Atlanteans. Many evidence of Central America betray the inhabitance of the Atlanteans.
- The Aztecs come from Aztlan tribe. Atlatl was a mechanism that hurled javelins. Their first capital was named Tenochtitlan. In Mexico, Guatemala and the USA there are many ancient names of places, e.g. Etla, Metla, Atitlan, Atlanta etc., with atl or tlan as prefix or ending of the word. Mayas in Peru believed they are the “children of Pleiades”, that were the daughters of Atlas. The endings of the words in their “gods”, such as Tlaloc, Mixcoatl, Quetzalcoatl and the noble Nachuatlatl, reveal their origin. The trident of Pisco in Peru was the symbol of Poseidis - Atlantis. Antitlan, a volcano in Guatemala, greeted Atlas, Anti-Atlas and the Saharan Middle Atlas, the mountains of Morocco in north Africa. The traces of the same ancient civilization are spotted from America to the Persian Gulf. These legends become history with the new found at times in the Atlantic Ocean.
- The first astronomer of earth was Atlas who had access to the oracle at Delphi, is referred by Hesiod. The names, “Pleiades, Hyades, Orion, Ursa” etc. that Homer copied by secret sources of the oracle, belong to the heroes of Atlantis and originate from Atlas. “The Sons of the Sun” and “Heliads” following the Atlanteans in east and west had knowledge on astronomy. The Aztec astronomical calendar includes the personification of Sun, signs of the zodiac, unknown symbols and ideograms. Two structures in Palenque and Teotihuacan look like observatories. Proteus, who guided Hercules to Atlas, had knowledge in astronomy and navy. In the astronomical calendar of the island Anti-Cythera there is a reference in the words Pleiades, Sun, Hesperia, reminding of Atlantis. All these convince us of the progress Atlanteans made on astronomy and other relevant fields.
- According to Homer, the boats of Poseidon race (of Nausithous etc.) were automotive. They could pass through the mist without the help of helms and captains and there was no fear in being lost or damaged. Aolecentaur used in his fleet the windbags of Aeolus. Odysseus narrates similar old stories. The Atlanteans commanded a fleet of 1200 boats, according to Plato. One Aztec statue in the Museum of Mexico looks like a mechanical device of loading liquid gases and has the folds of a windbag. It is labeled Xolotl, the God of Winds and was worshipped by Aztecs. Oannes were coming out of sea in diving-suites inside a huge egg. Furthermore, Hercules traveled in Hesperides within a copper earthenware jar. The “egg” and the “jar” are described as boats or submarines. All these convince us that Atlanteans had many boats motivated by liquid gases.
- The Pleiades "took out wings, flew and became stars", tradition says. The Mayan Quetzalcoatl, descended from the Pleiades with a metal bird. The Phaethon (of Atlantean Generation) was climbing in the sun with a chariot that was driven by winged horses and burned.
Hermes was more fortunate, as was Quetzalcoatl. Hermes with his wings, the Aphrodite's belt and the Caduceus, was flying everywhere. Phrixus also managed to fly by the flying ram with the "golden fleece (wool)". The bronze Talos was flying around in Crete. Enkidu flew, too, with a bronze bird. On the Easter Island some people came by flying machines, calling them "people - birds" (this island we believe was the place of Atlantean exile). A trident in a mountain of Peru led to "Nasca Airport". Ancient dishes found in Tibet describe an adventure of people who landed, necessarily, with the flying machines in the Himalayas. The Stymphalian birds launched, from above, flaming arrows. Daedalus and Icarus (of Atlantean origin - lived after the flood) were trying to make a device with wings to fly. All these and other elements, such as the ancient plans found to resemble aircrafts, as well as the "pilot of the Palenque burial plate", convince us that the Atlantes had invented, after many failures (Pleiades who flew and were lost, Phaethon burned ) perfect flying devices. As a fuel, they should use liquefied petroleum gas as well as for their ships.
- Many elements that we have gathered and consider them to be scientifically important lead us to the view that the Pyramids of Egypt and Central America were made by the Atlantes and used as tanks - a liquefied gas storage. After thousands of years, Pharaohs in Egypt used them as graves and presented them as works of their own. The achievements of science in our century, however, led researchers to review this belief. So, many opinions have been expressed. Let's add our own view ...
Ancient statues of king Atlas that betray the influence of Atlantis to Greece and other countries.
Marble statue of Atlas lifting on its shoulders the earth (found in the Museum of Neapoli in Italy)
Sculptured statue (460 BC) in the metope of the Zeus temple in ancient Olympia, in which Atlas (in the middle), the giant, carries the heavens. On the right there is Hercules and on the left a nymph. This statue is found in the museum of Olympia.
Architectural sculpture of Atlas in the ancient theater of Dionysius.
Architectural sculpture of Atlas in Acragas of Sicily.