atlantida Tou Okeanou, in ancient Greek Linear B' script

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Ancient foundings


Was it surrounded by the Atlantic ocean?

I epigrammatically summarize my arguments by mentioning some important clues and findings that support that Atlantis was a solid land surrounded by the Atlantic ocean. I got the information from the Atlantis Museum.

  1. At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was found basalt glassy lava of a mainland and not undersea volcano.

  2. In 1898 special machinery brought into the surface of the Atlantic Ocean from 2800 m depth, a rock island 15000 years old which came from a mainland volcano.

  3. In the summer of 1927, a crystal cranium from quartz with a movable jaw was found in the jungle of the British Honduran (Central America)!

  4. In 1977, with echo sounding machinery, a pyramid was localized in depth of 300 m near the "Triangle of Vermuda".

  5. In the Bimini island which is in the Bahamas islands were found (in 1969) sunk large stones squared or rectangulared of 600 square metres extend similar to those which were found by professor Jacques Cousteau in the small island Dias of Crete (in 1976).

  6. In a mountain of Perou in Piscos Bay a very ancient trident (Atlantes's symbol) is displayed which is made of white stones with phosphoric brightness "stabbed" in the slope. It has 250 m length and sides of 3,8 m width. This trident leads to a marked airport shaped flat space in Nasca plain which is located 160 km from Pisco. Wide airstrips and radiated corridors are discerned which stand out because they shine. They are formed by rack fragments. When you see this space from above it gives you the impression of an airport with geometrical lines and signs like in the modern airfields.

  7. The gravestone (the lid of the king Pacal' s sarcophagus) with the carved figure of an pilot which was found in the pyramid "Temple of the Inscriptions", at the Maya city of Palenque in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

  8. The undersea ruins which were found through Soviet research with head the academic Accenof near Madera and the 9500 years smoothed marble stone which was drawn up by the Rusians from the undersea central Atlantic slope (mountain ridge).

  9. Some very ancient buildings of America belong to this technique of the most ancient buildings of Europe and North Africa as well as many architectural decorative shapes which are similar to both civilizations.

  10. Geologists admit that between the Big and the Small Antilles there was land, which was sunk. Furthermore, that the Azores islands and in their extend Madera and the Canary islands are emerged summits of a big undersea volcano mountain range where often happen earthquakes and explosions.

 General conclusions

All these foundings show that the large continent of Atlantis was surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. Its geographical extend approach more to the Central America, the Big and the Small Antilles and the Bahamas, included the space of the Atlantic Ocean up to the Sargassai Sea, expanded normally up to Bermuda and an oblong extend of it reached as far as to the Azores. It was also surrounded by many small islands (see in my post "maps for Atlantis").


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The author' name in ancient writing Linear B

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