atlantida Tou Okeanou, in ancient Greek Linear B' script

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The Legacy - Η κληρονομιά


Was there? Where was it? The atlantis's museum view

The Atlanteans or Titans are obviously existed. Sources from the ancient ages confirm that there was a nation called Titans-Atlantes (or Atlanteans). This nation spread its traces in many places of the earth. Its memory remained in various legends, beliefs,worships and traditions. few of the ancient writers disputed the existence of various prehistoric races called Titans and Atlanteans..

Many later and modern writers and researches also admit the existence of the Atlanteans. However, they disagree about the place where this "strange" nation lived.

The question of where the Atlantes lived has been put since ancient years. Many theories have been developed. Most people's opinion is that they were established in a big island in the Atlantic Ocean. This is also the opinion of the museum of Atlantis as it analitically described below.

The opinion of the Museum of Atlantis

Evaluating the information that has been collected about the Atlantes, depriving its mythological coverings and interpreting it without reflective illusions we accept that:

Atlantis existed in the Atlantic Ocean and it was the dominating organised power from the 10th to the 7th millenium B.C.

This opinion is also accepted by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his books "Timaeus" and "Critias"(or Atlantic speach) which was written in 350 B.C. Plato's descriptions in his books mentioned above contain shocking documents:

trisdiastatokaroIn "Timaeus" Plato mentions that in front of the mouth which is called Hercules's columns (note: the channel of Gibraltar as it is known in our days) there was a big island with great power which was called Atlantida. Its size was so big that it could be considered as a continent. Plato (427-347 B.C.) describes Atlantida as long and narrow from east to west. As he writes, it could be crossed on foot in 18 days and nights. Afterwards, by sailing from some other islands one could reach the continent which was situated opposite. He means America. Of course Plato wasn't aware of Atlantis. Critias had given him the information for the descriptions in his books. Critias with his turn had obtained those notes from his great grandfather, who had also obtained them by Solon.

Solon (639-559 B.C.) had been to Egypt, where the priests of Sais revealed him the ancient secrets which were written on stones in hieroglyphic symbols. The priests of Sais, ancient religious capital of Egypt, told Solon that the Aegean islands and Crete were conquered by Atlantes, who had come from the west, from the big ocean.

As it was written on the stones, the powerful nation of the Atlants had conquered almost all the coastal areas of the Mediterrane countries from Noarth to South reaching up to the Persian gult. The Atlantes weren't able to conquer Attiki because their troaps had been defeated by the Athenians...

All these are also revealed by the ancient historian Plutarch in "Solon's life". In his work "Lives Parallel" and in his study "about Isis and Osiris", Plutarch gives us enough information about Atlantis and even uses the word "history" when referring to it. Also, in many parts of his works, he refers to various beliefs of the ancients which "as tradition and writings say, they start from the lost Atlantis".

Proclus also confirms that he shaw those stones when he travelled to Egypt and visited the temple of Niith (Athena in Greek). He also adds in his book "Memorandum in the Platonic work":

"During the very old times there was a huge island in the Atlantic Ocean". It was an extremely civilized and powerful nation. It conquered a large part of Africa up to Egypt and Europe up to Tyrrhenia..."
Proclus claims that the priests of Neith showed him very ancient columns with hieroglyphic inscriptions and told him that they were accounts of Atlantis. They confirmed to him that during the last theocracy, when Atlantis was sunk, Attica and other regions of Greece were shaken by earthquakes. Some beaches were flooded by the sea and became disasters.

"It was much bigger than Libyan and Asia together" assures Crantor (commentaries in "Timaeus").

trisdiastatokaroThe Atlantes governed many islands around their continent in the Atlantic Ocean writes Diodoros Sikeliotis in his work "Historic Bookcase" and they ruled over Mediterranian countries. And he also adds, apart from Plato these are confirmed by Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, Aeschylus, Philon, Aristarchus, Crates and Apollodorus.

trisdiastatokaroPosidonius, Kikeron's teacher, writes: "There were legends that beyond the Hercules Stones there was a huge area which was called "Poseidonis" or "Atlanta"".

trisdiastatokaro Geographer Markellos in his "Collection of travellers' narrations" speaks about  seven islands of the Atlantic ocean one of which was Neptune's sacred place.

trisdiastatokaroStravon in his "Geographics" accepts that "...the island of Atlantis in the far west places..." was reality.

trisdiastatokaroThe names Atlas - Antiatlas (mountains of Marocco) ,Atitlan (Guatemala), Tlakopan, Tenochitlan, Mitla, Etla (Mexico) etc, are all derivatives of A-tla.

trisdiastatokaroThe tribes of the Aztlans, Nahouatlakatlis ancestors of Aztecs, Toltecs and Magias and their Gods Kouedjalkoatl (flying), Mixkoatl and Tlaloc and their traditional giants Atlan and Teitani (Titan) known from the very ancient times by the Mediterranian place.

trisdiastatokaro The traditions of the countries in Central America and the north-west Africa for sinking of a large Atlantic island

But in addition to the testimonies of ancient writers, the traditions and mythology of ancient peoples, the fact that Atlantis existed in the Atlantic Ocean is also confirmed by significant geological evidence on the shores and at the bottom of the Atlantic and in various findings discovered after excavations and research.


Μ.ΑΤΛ.) Scenery of Atlantis, gravure  Bon Ton, Bienna 1922







(Museum of Atlantis): The cross with the circuler rings, symbol of Atlantis.







One of the ancient coins of Posidonia



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